Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Greensprings Greenway, James County, Virginia

Last week, after working, I decided to go on a hike through a local park area called the Greensprings Greenway, near where I am living. It's a beautiful park, that spans a nice distance, and connects into what is Williamsburg's own type of Monon Trail (minus train history, bars, restaurants and shops). 

I saw one doe, scared plenty of squirrels, birds, and lots of greenery. It's a beautiful area, which is a perfect example of the lushness that the area has. It also features an interpretive trail that discusses the history of the area, the environment, and the animals that live there. I took some photos, so please enjoy: 

These two pictures give a good view into what a lot of the water environments are like here. Wetlands with moderately sized pond/lakes with sparse trees, providing homes for frogs, osprey's, eagles, song birds, fish, beavers, and more. Sadly, I haven't seen a beaver in the wild yet!

I really love photographing moss, something about that strong green, and the lighting at the time I took it was really nice. 

Farm equipment off the trail. This equipment dates back to the early-mid 19th century, and has been abandoned by farmer's from the nearby plantation land visible from the trail. This plantation/farm has been one of the nation's longest running farms, since the 17th century. 

My friend, the deer that was nibbling on earthly delights when I was hiking. She stopped, we had a conversation discussing deer hitting my car, and I politely asked her to request that her relatives not cause me any more pain or sorrows in regards to vehicles. She was quite agreeable. 

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